The Office of Environmental Protection (OEP) has appointed the first members to its recently launched College of Experts. The 58 members appointed are experts with a wealth of experience working in universities and research institutes, industry and environmental groups. The members are a diverse group, with early career researchers alongside those with long careers in practice. The members are volunteering their services and bring with them a breadth of specialist knowledge to support the OEP’s remit.
Professor Robbie McDonald, OEP Chief Scientist said: “The OEP College of Experts will increase our access to specialist expertise, providing an additional means for us to broaden our evidence base, identify and review key areas of research, and enhance the provision of external expertise, challenge and advice.
“We are grateful that the newly appointed College members are offering their experience to support our work. Several projects have already benefited from their input and we look forward to working with all our experts in the years to come.
“The OEP is an evidence-led organisation. We use evidence in everything we do, not least monitoring progress towards the government’s obligations to improve the natural environment. Access to expertise is fundamental to accessing and using the best evidence, and to enabling the OEP to be strategic and forward-looking, while also being agile and responsive to events."
College members were selected through an open process and will help to increase the OEP’s scientific understanding and evidence base by providing expert input on specific issues, providing peer review and challenge of our work and that of our suppliers. The College will also have a key role in our prospective analyses and horizon scanning for emerging strategic issues.
A list of all members of the OEP's College of Experts can be found here.