OEP sets out its plans for the next two years

The protection and restoration of nature, clean water and managing the impacts of nutrients are priorities for the Office for Environmental Protection, as we publish our Corporate Plan for 2024/25 to 2025/26.  

In this latest plan we set out our programme of work for the years ahead and explain how we aim to protect and improve the environment in England and Northern Ireland by holding Governments and other public authorities to account.  

Dame Glenys Stacey, Chair of the OEP, said: “Deeply concerning adverse environmental trends continue. The depleted state of the natural environment and scale and rate of climate change present an unprecedented challenge.  

“This challenge must be acknowledged and grasped if ambitions to significantly improve the environment for future generations – so laudably crystallised in law in the Environment Act of 2021 – are to be realised.”

The plan includes a continued emphasis on the protection and restoration of nature and biodiversity, and scrutiny of those things most critical to achieving the legal target in England to halt the decline in species abundance by 2030.

We will also complete our work looking at how laws supporting the quality of inland waters are complied with, and evaluate how well the framework of environmental governance established under the Environment Act is being implemented.  

This year, a significant focus in Northern Ireland is to evaluate steps to reduce the impacts of nutrients on the environment, and in both England and Northern Ireland we will start work considering key factors impacting the quality of the marine environment and prospects for its improvement.  

Dame Glenys added: “We look forward to continuing to engage with the many organisations and individuals interested in our work. We are grateful for the engagement and support we receive as we deliver against the priorities we have identified.” 

You can download the Corporate Plan by clicking on the blue Download button on this page.