This project is part of a wider multi-year programme scrutinising the implementation of nature friendly farming in England and Northern Ireland. Nature friendly farming can be described as a range of Government activities (such as regulations, voluntary agri-environment schemes (AES) and other rural grant schemes) that ensure agricultural land is managed in a way that protects and improves the environment. The overarching objective of the overall programme is to provide a critical appraisal of the capacity of AES to support the achievement of long-term biodiversity targets and commitments.
This project specifically appraised the potential for AES in England to halt and reverse the decline in species abundance. The farmland bird index model was applied as a proxy for the terrestrial species within England’s species abundance index. By applying probabilistic analytical approaches, this assessment explored the risks of halting and reversing decline, associated with a specified level and type of AES uptake.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) were commissioned by the Office for Environmental Protection to undertake an appraisal of agri-environment scheme actions for achieving agriculture water pollution targets in England. The views provided in this report are those of RSPB and do not represent the opinion or position of the OEP. Some of the analysis in this report was used to inform the OEP’s report Progress in improving the natural environment in England 2024/2025.