Actions following a complaint in relation to granting of assent and providing advice by Natural England for the removal of saltmarsh habitat at the West Kirby foreshore.
Assurances were given by Natural England that it considers in-combination effects in its decision-making process. Natural England also explicitly stated that in-combination effects of future projects for salt-marsh removal at this location would be considered should any further applications for assent and/or HRA consultation advice be made. Confirmation was provided by Wirral Borough Council that Natural England’s advice was taken into consideration and the HRA was amended to reflect the advice. Assurances were also provided by Wirral Borough Council that it will comply with its obligations to apply the sequential tests required by Regulation 63 and have regard to any consultation advice provided by Natural England. We are satisfied that our concerns have been addressed in the responses and have determined we will not take further action in relation to this complaint.