Commissioned research

Evidence Review: Drivers and Pressures Affecting the UK Marine Environment

Report code: INS211-02

The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) issued a Call for Evidence in November 2023, which posed five questions to stakeholders to explore the drivers, pressures and data gaps affecting the achievement of Good Environmental Status (GES) in UK marine waters. A total of 24 responses were submitted from a wide range of stakeholders.

Opergy Ltd were commissioned to undertake an independent review and analysis of the responses. This report summarises the responses and subsequent discussions in supplementary stakeholder workshops. Overall, commercial fishing, offshore energy production, climate change and pollution/release of contaminants were the most frequently cited stressors impacting the achievement of GES. Invasive species were also considered a key pressure.

This report was compiled by Opergy Ltd on behalf of the Office for Environmental Protection. The views expressed in this report are those of Opergy, based on evidence gathered from stakeholders. Some of the analysis in this report was used to inform the OEP’s report ‘Progress in improving the natural environment in England 2023/2024’.