We have submitted a response to a consultation by Defra on proposed changes to UK REACH, a regulation that applies to the majority of chemicals manufactured in and imported into the UK.
Dame Glenys Stacey, Chair of the OEP, said: “We recognise the importance chemicals play in our economy and in our society. Government must ensure that the UK harnesses chemicals regulation to both realise economic benefits and effectively manage environmental risks.
“Defra has rightly emphasised, within this consultation, its commitment not to weaken legal protections for the environment. However, some of the proposed changes may put this at risk. How Government intends to implement any new system of regulation will be crucial to maintaining high levels of environmental protection.”
Our response acknowledges that Government has not yet confirmed whether it will change the proposed updates to chemicals policy put forward by the previous administration. Therefore whilst our response addresses the proposals outlined in the consultation, we understand that these may not now be adopted. We trust our observations nevertheless will be beneficial should Government decide to amend chemicals policy as proposed in this consultation or as it considers other possibilities.
You can download the document by clicking on the blue 'Download consultation response' button on this page.