
Consultation on the draft OEP strategy and enforcement policy

Consultation summary

In June 2022 we published our first strategy, which set out how we intended to go about delivering our mission. Two years into our operation, we are now reviewing our strategy to ensure we continue to effectively play our role in protecting and improving the environment as Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly intended.

The consultation on our draft strategy and enforcement policy will be running from 18 July until 26 September 2024. The consultation document, draft strategy and enforcement policy are available on our website.

Why your views matter

Listening to the views of those we work with and those affected by our work will be fundamental to making sure we get it right. Our draft strategy and enforcement policy have been shaped by the views of a broad range of stakeholders with whom we engaged in the months leading up to this consultation. These stakeholders have included environmental organisations, government departments, arm’s-length bodies and other public authorities, and business and industry groups.

Our previous consultation on the OEP draft strategy and enforcement policy was launched in January 2022.

Below is a recording of the launching event divided into sections that introduces the OEP, gives an overview of our work and explains the draft strategy and enforcement policy.

The recording is still largely relevant today, as we consider that much of our earlier strategy remains an effective basis on which to operate.


Welcome and introductions with OEP Chair, Dame Glenys Stacey

Mike Fox, Head of Communications and Strategic Relations opens the event and introduces our chair Dame Glenys Stacey.


Launching the Strategy and overview of the OEP

Natalie Prosser, our Interim CEO, gives an overview of the OEP and our draft strategy and enforcement policy.



Our Strategic Objectives

Andy Lester, Head of Business, Planning and Strategy outlines the strategic objectives of the OEP and our approach to prioritisation.


Working with Others

Tim Graham, Head of Natural Science and Analysis outlines how we will work with others.



Grant Daley, Principal Complaints Manager outlines our complaints process and function.


Scrutiny and Advice

Emma Hawthorne, Principal Monitoring Environmental Law and Advice Manager, outlines our approach to scrutinising Environment Improvement Plans and targets, scrutinising environmental law, advice and our strategic objectives.



Hatti Owens, Principal Lawyer, outlines our draft enforcement policy which sets out how we intend to approach our enforcement activities.


Q & A Panel

The OEP panel answer questions from the audience.


Full launch video

The entire video of the launch.



On 22 February 2022, the Northern Ireland Assembly gave their approval for our functions to commence in Northern Ireland on 28 February 2022.

We held a draft strategy and enforcement consultation event with Northern Ireland stakeholders on 24 February 2022.


Here is a recording of the event; introducing the OEP, our work and explaining the draft strategy and enforcement policy.

The event starts 2 minutes into the recording.

1.25 min