Call for Evidence – Drivers and Pressures Affecting Biodiversity in Northern Ireland

We are inviting interested parties to submit evidence as part of our review of drivers, and pressures affecting biodiversity across Northern Ireland.  

We would appreciate it if evidence is submitted to [email protected] by Friday 3 November 2023 in order to best inform our review.

Please see the full Call for Evidence document linked to via the blue button on this page for more information about what we are seeking to cover in this review, including the issues we are interested in, how you can provide evidence to us and how we will use information submitted to us. 


Research indicates that Northern Ireland has lost 50% of its biodiversity based upon a 1970 baseline. However, there is no single comprehensive analysis or evidence base on the drivers and pressures underpinning the negative trends in this environmental data.   
To inform our assessment we are particularly interested in evidence that addresses the following questions in the context of one or more priority species and/or habitats: 

  1. What are the key drivers and pressures affecting biodiversity in Northern Ireland? What evidence is available to demonstrate these affects?  
    a. Over what time period (short, medium, long term) and spatial area do these pressures and drivers have their affects?  
  2. What are the cumulative and synergistic relationships between drivers, pressures, and their affects?   
  3. How should drivers and pressures be prioritised? For example, by the scale of impact. What evidence supports any such prioritisation? 
  4. What actions are needed to reverse the decline in biodiversity, for example land use and land use change? What are the trade-offs that need to be taken into consideration? 
  5. What are the barriers and opportunities to address pressures and drivers through governance and mitigation strategies? What evidence supports these? 
  6. What are the transboundary drivers and pressures impacting biodiversity in Northern Ireland?

We will also welcome any other information that you consider is relevant to our review. Submission can include existing documents as well as those written specifically for this call for evidence. This call for evidence will help inform our report, which will be made publicly available once completed.