These papers were produced by one or more of the committee members during the initial term (2012 to 2015) of the NCC.
The working papers reflected the NCC position on important issues.
The discussion papers were directly relevant to one or more of the committee’s work streams. The views are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the collective view of the initial committee.
This paper sets out the NCC's framework Corporate Natural Capital Accounting Framework, to be used by organisations to account for the natural capital they own, for which they are responsible or on which they are dependent.
This paper sets out the meaning of 'natural capital' and to explore a set of metrics for measuring changes in natural capital assets.
This paper sets out the NCC's approach to natural capital accounting for Corporate and National Natural Capital Accounts, setting out what needs to be measured and how this should be done.
This notes sets out the role that natural capital plays in economic growth, exploring the implications of unsustainable use of natural capital and how to reverse this.